A unique graduation request...

So around this time last year I got an interesting…and kind of unusual…request…

A soon-to-be graduating senior at Tulane asked if I could decorate the mortar boards for her and her friend for graduation. I thought about it…and always intrigued by unusual projects, I thought ‘sure, what the hell’!

So she sent me the mortar boards and I got to work.

Couldn’t glue directly on the fabric, which would probably be a mess…and definitely couldn’t lucite coat directly on the fabric, which would definitely be a disastrous mess…

So I cut out two templates from thin hard plastic sheeting to match the top of each mortar board (with a hole in the middle for the button) and set to work beading a fleur de lis on each and then finished each in lucite.

Finally, glued each template to the top of each mortal board, and capped each button with a half-bead.

Then packed them and shipped them back to New Orleans….just in time for graduation!

Pretty cool idea for a NOLA graduation (even if they ended up kind of heavy…).

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fleur caps 2.jpg
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